We’ve Found The PERFECT Part-Time Student Gig
The perfect side-hustle for college students, right at your fingertips.
Trying to earn money while being a full-time student is no easy task, especially between now and the end of the school year. That’s why finding something that you can do in your spare time (and that doesn’t eat into what little free time you do have) is a must. Thankfully, BuzzFeed is here to help solve this problem for you.
With their new February Writing Challenge, you have a chance to make money from any community posts you write for the website. From quizzes to general content, there’s a way for you to make money, for sure. Find out how!
How To Get Paid For Writing BuzzFeed Quizzes & Lists

To be eligible to make money from your BuzzFeed Community quizzes and lists, you’ll need to check the February Writing Challenge box while you’re working on your masterpiece of a post for the website. When you make a post for anything that isn’t a quiz, the content needs to reach at least 50,000 views to earn a payout. Quizzes need at least 100,000 views to receive a payout.
When you head over to the BuzzFeed website to opt into the challenge, you’ll need to submit your banking information and W-9 to get your direct deposit. You want to get paid after all, right? All payouts will be sent when the challenge is over at the end of the month.
Tips For Creating BuzzFeed Quizzes & Lists

If the idea of getting paid to write fun content for BuzzFeed in your spare time sounds like a great side hustle, we don’t blame you! It’s an easy way to earn passive income, all from the comfort of your laptop. And besides, hasn’t everyone wanted something they wrote on BuzzFeed to go viral, at least once?
But you want to make sure your hard work actually pays off, right? That’s why BuzzFeed is ready to give you a few tips and tricks to make sure the maximum amount of people get eyes on your posts:
- Content fits in with what’s currently performing well on BuzzFeed
- Content matches BuzzFeed’s tone of voice and editorial standards
- Content highlights a relevant or trending topic
- Fills a content gap on the BuzzFeed website
- Content is completely original and creative
Now take some time to brainstorm so you get that $1,500 on your posts! Check out what BuzzFeed is writing about right now to get a general idea of what kind of content is going to perform the best.
Good luck, and happy writing! To get all the details, read more about the February Writing Challenge on the BuzzFeed website here.
The BuzzFeed February Writing Challenge ends February 29