
Build your career confidence

Find work you love

About Futureproof

Futureproof is Student Beans’ new initiative to help you build your confidence and find work you love.  We believe when you leave university you should feel confident, and ultimately, empowered to make decisions about your future including your career. You should be Futureproof.

by Christina Attrah

24 Online Jobs For Students In The UK

Need to earn some extra cash? Here are the best online jobs for students in the UK – including remote and part-time work.

by Christina Attrah

Futureproof Fund

Being a student should be a wild time of experiences, learning and exposure that shapes us in life-changing ways, but we know not every student is able to take advantage of the opportunities.

About the fund

We’re offering you the chance to get funding to help you take part in experiences that could shape your future.

Whether you’d like to volunteer in Costa Rica but can’t afford the plane ride, or join the American Football Society, we’ll connect you with brands that want to help.