Win A Luxurious Weeklong “Sleep Vacation” For Free
Take a trip for sweeter dreams.
Let’s face it—we could all use better sleep habits. But when you’re on the go what feels like 24/7, how can you possibly prioritize sleeping? Thankfully, one mattress company wants to force you to sleep better by giving you a vacation.
Think you could use a “sleep vacation”? Then scroll to find out how you can win this trip for free.
What You’ll Win
If selected, the winner receives a free sleep vacation, courtesy of Emma Sleep. While the location hasn’t been announced, the company stated the following elements will definitely be a part of the trip:
- You’ll be in a natural, peaceful, secluded enviornment
- A chance to step away from daily stressors
- Opportunities to connect with nature
The vacation will be one week in duration.
How To Enter
Ready to win a sleep vacation? Then click here to head to Emma Sleep’s website. You’ll enter some basic info, and then determine where a photo was taken. The geographically closest guess is going to win the trip!
Winners will be announced on July 12
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