TikTok Student Food Hacks | Do They Work?

University students Charlotte and Ole try the highest-rated TikTok food hacks so you don’t have to.

There’s nothing like a good food hack that actually works. They can cut minutes, if not hours off food prep, or make your entire meal taste next level.

Is there a food hack you’ve always wanted to try, but you’re sceptical? Here’s what university students Charlotte and Ole tested out, so you can see for yourself if it’s worth the hype.

Got none of these ingredients to hand? Save money on your next food shopping trip with our student food discounts!

Hack 1: How to separate egg whites and yolks

You’ll need:

  • An egg
  • A bowl
  • A plastic water bottle (if you already have one, plastic be bad!)

You basically want to ‘vacuum’ the egg yolk into the bottle once the egg is cracked into the bowl. It’s clearly doable, but is it worth the hype? It did take a few tries!

Charlotte’s rating: 1/10

Hack 2: How to peel garlic in 20 seconds

You’ll need:

  • Garlic
  • A plate to pop the garlic on
  • A microwave

Peeling garlic can be a real faff. But in just 20 seconds, you can have an easy to peel garlic bulb. It looked like that was the case too, bar a couple of tiny bits (the method isn’t flawless). But if you’re in a hurry, this could be the garlic-peeling hack for you.

Pssst, the garlic will be hot, so watch yourself.

Ole’s rating: 9 (or 10)/10

Hack 3: How to quickly deseed a pepper

You’ll need:

  • A pepper
  • A knife
  • A chopping board

Deseeding pepper is such a tedious task, let’s be real. Instead of cutting out the seedy part, why not pull an Ariana Grande and cut it from side to side, as Charlotte demonstrates?

Less mess, less faff. What more can you ask for?

Charlotte’s rating: 10/10

Ole’s rating: 10/10

Live in a student house and have a garden? Compost the rest of the pepper you don’t use!

Hack 4: How to properly fold a tortilla

You’ll need:

  • A tortilla wrap
  • Four fillings of your choice
  • A knife

All you have to do is cut a line from the centre of the wrap outwards. Then, segment your toppings into four equal sections and fold three times. We were pretty amazed at how quickly it worked. No more filling falling out the bottom of your wraps anymore.

Just be strategic with where you pop your fillings though, or they’ll risk falling out.

Charlotte’s rating: 8/10

Ole’s rating: 9/10

Why not make your favourite recipes vegan by incorporating this hack too?

Which hack is the best?

Charlotte thought the garlic hack was one of the best ones they tried out. We can’t help but agree a little here. Peeling a bulb of garlic is pretty frustrating, so this would definitely cut out tons of time in our own food prep.

Ole, on the other hand, rated the tortilla food hack the best. They looked like they were in their element building it so we’re not too surprised here! But in all seriousness, it looked really tasty and it’s an (almost) flawless way to wrap a tortilla.

Need more cooking tips? Check out these top 5 cooking skills from an expert chef:

What’s your verdict? Subscribe to the Student Beans YouTube channel for more food hacks and tons of student lifestyle content.