This Is What Your Pizza Toppings Really Say About You

You can tell a lot about a person from their choice of pizza.

Let’s face it, there are few things in life that can generate as much controversy as how you like to eat your pizza. There are some combinations that are just outright offensive and others that are universally loved (but I’ll throw it out there while we’re getting started; I love pineapple on pizza).

Anyway, now we’re all clear on that it’s time to talk about a day that should maybe be a public holiday; National Pizza Day. Yep, if you didn’t know the 9th February is a day just for celebrating pizza and if you’ve ever wondered what your fave pizza toppings say about you, we’re breaking it down for you.


Let’s start with a classic, the traditional margarita pizza. Some may say it’s boring, but really you can’t beat it. If you order a margarita as your regular choice, you’re probably not willing to venture into trying something new both in terms of pizza and in real life. But hey, if you know what you like you know what you like and margarita fans for sure know what they like.


You’re not afraid to push boundaries and think outside of the box and you definitely tend to go through life not caring what other people think about you. If you regularly order Hawaiian pizza you’re probably ridiculed by everyone else for how you could even dare to enjoy pineapple on pizza but you can see past that. You probably have some other weird food combinations you enjoy in secret too, but who are we to judge.


Pepperoni is the classic, easy and dare we say it- safe option. If you’re a fan of pepperoni pizza you know that wherever you you can order one and you’ll enjoy it and no one is going to judge or question you for ordering it. You don’t need to take risks in a new restaurant in case you don’t like the pizza and you don’t need to spend ages studying the menu, you know what you want and you know it’s going to be delicious regardless. If pepperoni is your fave, you probably like to stick to the safe options in life rather than throwing yourself in the deep end, but you definitely know how to have a good time.

Veggie Delight

Understandably, anyone who orders this is probably vegetarian or vegan. However, in 2022 there is no need for this pizza and no excuse to be ordering it. Domino’s, Papa John’s and Pizza Hut all offer a range of far more exciting vegan toppings and options including pepperoni (or, just more exciting vegetable based pizzas if fake meat isn’t your thing) so absolutely WHAT excuse do you have to still be settling for the below average soggy veggie pizza? None, that’s what.

Meat Feast

You are unashamed of your opinions and you like to let your feelings known. A meat feast pizza is a bold choice and if this is your go-to option you’re fearless and strong-willed. Meat feast fans tend to think it’s the superior pizza, are not willing to respect veganism or even attempt to understand it and will never dream of ordering something different and hey, we respect the dedication.

Anything with an uncooked vegetable on top (rocket, spinach etc)

I am confused first of all. Pizza is supposed to be enjoyable so why are you garnishing it with salad? If you wanted a salad, that’s what you should’ve ordered. People who enjoy any form of leafy pizza are either super into fitness and think that by ordering a half raw pizza it won’t steer you off track from your goals (but surely it cannot be enjoyable???), or you’re just flat out weird.


PizzaExpress, I’m looking at you. This is a weird pizza topping I just cannot get behind no matter how many times other people insist it’s good, if this is your go-to order you do not deserve pizza.


A rare few know about potatoes on pizza and if you know, you know. A less common topping you might struggle to find a restaurant or takeaway place that offers this, but if you can find one it’s a topping you need to try out. People who order potatoes on pizza are all around good vibes and know how to have a good time.

Any type of spicy pizza

You are showing off. We get it you can eat spicy food, but are you sure you’re enjoying that extra hot pizza or just ordering it to impress your date? Let’s keep the extra hot options to Nando’s thanks.

Feeling hungry? Check out our best pizza discounts here!