Here’s How To Save Over £21 On Your Nando’s Order

If you want to cut costs on your next meal at Nando’s, look no further.

There’s nothing better than a trip to Nando’s, but sometimes the prices can really add up especially once you keep adding different sides to your meal. Luckily, there are a few tricks you can do to help you knock up to £21 off your meal and here’s how.

1. Buy gift cards

While this might seem like you’re spending more money, buying gift cards is actually an easy way to save £5 on your meal. If you’re a Costco member you can buy £40 worth of gift cards for just £34.99 so you’re actually saving £5. Plus, buying gift cards means you can save them for a rainy day and treat yourself to a Nando’s whenever you feel like it, maybe on a day where your bank balance is lower than you’d like it to be.

2. Order big

If you’re going to Nando’s in a big group (or you’re just extra hungry) ordering a family platter can help you to save £10. The Family Platter costs £46.50 and feeds up to six people, and works out cheaper than ordering six individual meals.

3. Bring your own drinks

While getting a bottomless drink from Nando’s is money saving in a way as you get free refills, you can cut out £3.45 altogether by not ordering a drink at all. Simply order water and add your own flavourings from a Robinsons Squash water flavourer. Or you could just sneak in your own drink in your bag and save a few pounds.

4. Get creative with the sauces

If you’re a big fan of the Perinaise sauce, you’ll probably be ordering a couple to have with your meal, but this can add up if you’re on a budget. An easy hack to get around this is to add a few drops of medium sauce to mayo sachets (which are free and by the cutlery section) to create your own version without having to pay for it!

5. Use cashback apps

Cashback apps are a really good way to help you save a bit of money if you’re a frequent shopper. Whether you have cashback rewards with your bank account or you have every app ever downloaded, you can save a bit of money both in-stores and when ordering on Deliveroo if you’re clever with it helping you to save a few pounds after a few orders.

On that note, if you’re now craving a Nando’s after reading all of that we don’t blame you!