You Don’t Want To Be Getting The Round In At This University – Most Expensive Uni’s To Buy A Pint
New research shows the most expensive unis when it comes to a student night out.
Ever wondered what the top most expensive city in the UK is for a night out? Well, new research from Xendpay shows that there are some students forking out significantly more for their favourite night out than others.
It will come as no surprise that London is the most expensive city for a student night out, with students coughing up on average £49.66 per night. But Oxford and Brighton clock in next, with Oxford students paying around £42.30 and Brighton students £37.12 for a night out.
In fact, being a student in Brighton also means you’ll be paying the most for a pint outside of London, with the average price costing you £5.16. In contrast, the cheapest student city to get a pint is Leciester where it will cost you just £3.03.
When it comes to the cheapest student nights out Dundee, Cardiff and Swansea topped the list, where it will cost you on average just £25.35 to enjoy a night out in Dundee, including drinks, club entry and taxi fares.
The top 10 most expensive cities for a student night out are as follows:
1. London, £49.66
2. Oxford, £42.30
3. Brighton, £37.12
4. Edinburgh, £36.66
5. Cambridge, £33.39
6. Nottingham, £33.01
7. Reading, £32.77
8. Exeter, £32.72
9. Glasgow, £32.49
10. Aberdeen, £32.29
While the top 10 cheapest cities for a student night are:
1. Dundee, £25.35
2. Cardiff, £27. 33
3. Swansea, £27.35
4. York, £28.14
5. Norwich, £28.28
6. Newcastle, £29.36
7. Leicester, £29.95
8. Southhampton, £30.26
9. Belfast, £30.34
10. Liverpool, £30.42
So, next time you’re planning a night out in a different city to your own maybe use this list as guidance for where to head for the cheapest pints!