This Is Your Reminder To Re-apply For Student Finance

The sooner you re-apply the better.

If you’re already counting down the days to the summer holidays, next year of uni probably hasn’t even crossed your mind yet.

If you’re still stressed by your end-of-year deadlines and upcoming exams the good news is that summer is right around the corner and before you know it you’ll be back at home with your family and home friends and off on whatever summer plans you’ve got booked.

However, this also means that if you’re a first or second year student the next year of uni will roll around before you know it. In fact, it’s only 5 months until September which means a whole new year of uni which also means you need to re-apply to student finance before the new academic year.

Have you re-applied for student finance yet?

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How can I re-apply for student finance?

If you’re studying in England, you might need to reapply for student finance before your next year of uni. To do this simply go to the SFE gov website, or log into your existing account.

If you’re switching courses or you’ve had a significant change in circumstances, you’ll need to update your details as this could mean your maintenance loan payments could change for the next year.

Although you would have already done most of the hard stuff when you first started uni, re-applying helps to make sure you’re actually receiving the right amount of money from the government. In fact, you could be entitled to more this year than last year if something significant has happened, such as your parents changing jobs or if you’re going to move into halls and you were previously living at home.

Not everyone will have had a change in circumstances, however, you need to re-apply each year and double-check anyway just to see if you are entitled to more or less than the year before and to make sure that all your contact details are correct.

It might seem like an annoying admin task but it’s important to make sure you actually get paid your maintenance loan correctly and on time, so this is your reminder to have a look at your account this weekend and make sure everything’s sorted for next year.

Luckily, re-applying is easier than filling out the application the first time and it will take less than 30 minutes to do as you just need to confirm your details are correct and submit any new evidence to prove a change in circumstances.

It can take up to six weeks to process your application, so the sooner you do it the better. If something has changed for you and you don’t reapply until late summer, you might not get paid in time by September— so get it sorted now before you forget.

Applications are now open to re-apply so don’t put it off any longer and get it done before you go out this weekend.