You Can Get A FREE Electric Blanket If You’re With This Energy Company

You can stay toasty warm all winter if you switch your energy.

Thanks to the cost of living crisis, energy bills are at an all-time high leaving people faced with the choice of either paying eye-watering bills or trying to keep warm without putting the heating on. From sleeping in your Oodie to buying a portable heater there are loads of hacks you can try to stay warm without having to have your heating on all day, but if there’s one thing that can really change the game it’s an electric blanket.

If you don’t have an electric blanket, you need to get one asap. Not only will it keep you cosy and warm in bed it’s relatively energy efficient and is a great option for students.

Well, if you’re with Octopus or Ovo Energy you could get a free electric blanket along with other handy gadgets to help you keep your bills down.

How can I get a free electric blanket?

Octopus Energy customers are in luck, as the company wants to help its customers stay warm without breaking the bank throughout winter and beyond. If you give them a call or talk to their customer service online, you could receive a free electric blanket to help you stay warm during the night.

Meanwhile, Ovo Energy is rewarding customers with support packages filled with energy-saving items like LED light bulbs, electric blankets, SMART sockets and free boiler servicing. This means that if you’re with either company, you could be eligible for support to help reduce the costs. You can apply for the packages on the Ovo Energy website, or by calling customer service.

If you are with a different energy company, now might be the chance to switch to claim some of these freebies to help heat your home. If you’re living in a student house and you’re with the default energy company provided when you moved in, switching can help keep bills down so it’s worth checking out both Octopus and Ovo to see if you can find a good tariff for your home that can cut the costs—but run this past your landlord first, as they will want to know if you’re switching.

It’s worth a call to your energy provider to see if they will be able to supply you with an electric blanket or other energy-saving freebies, especially if you’re struggling with the cost of your bills as every little helps. After all, who doesn’t love a freebie?