The Best Vitamins For Students That’ll Help You Beat Freshers Flu

Learn how to avoid freshers flu this year with these awesome vitamins for students.


There’s one thing and one thing only that students should fear when they go to uni… The dreaded Freshers flu.

When you’re out drinking pretty much every night of the week and eating a diet of ramen and Oreos, your body might not thank you for it.

Vitamins and supplements can be especially beneficial at uni when you might not be getting the most balanced diet. The good news you can get vitamins to help all sorts of things from improving your memory, performance, and even function. These things are pretty useful when you’re a student.

Check out this guide on vitamins for students to help create your very own freshers flu survival kit. Because defence is the best form of attack.




A lack of vitamin D can weaken the immune system, which is obviously not great. The start of term might not be full of sunshine, which can mean we often don’t meet our recommended daily intake of this vitamin that we literally get just from being outside! There’s lots of vitamin D in egg yolks and mushrooms, so that sounds like the perfect excuse to make a delicious omelette to me.


This is an obvious one, but we couldn’t leave it out seeing as it’s so vital for boosting your immune system. A lack of vitamin C can make you more prone to getting sick. Most multivitamins will contain vitamin C, but sneaking a little broccoli into your diet won’t hurt anyone.


Vitamin E is a great antioxidant that helps the body fight off infection. Not only does vitamin E help the body’s natural defence, it also helps you maintain healthy skin and eyes.




Ginkgo Biloba and Korean Ginseng are herbal extracts taken from different species of trees that have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Ginkgo Biloba is said to help boost memory and enhance cognitive performance, whilst the energising Korean Ginseng can help pep you up, so it’s perfect for students revising and prepping for January exams.


According to the European Commission, Vitamin B5 is involved in the normal synthesis and metabolism of important brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, and contributes towards normal mental performance. As a result, Vitamin B5 supplements are often chosen by people who are interested in improving concentration and supporting attention, memory and learning.

Obviously, nothing is better than getting a good healthy balanced diet, but during Freshers week we know it can be difficult to maintain. Stock up on these vitamins for students to help avoid freshers flu this year.