The Cutest TikToks We’ve Seen for National Dress Up Your Pet Day

Be prepared for a whole load of cuteness.

January 14th is National Dress Up Your Pet day, which is exactly as it sounds; a day where everyone puts their pets in adorable costumes and snaps a photo for social media.

While some pets love dressing up, others might have a hard time convincing their pets to get into a costume, but those who do provide some seriously amazing results. Here are some of our fave TikToks that mark the special occasion.

1. @pennylane0202

2. @gogofunny

3. @sniffieteddie

4. @arianalee99

5. @bestfriendanimalsociety

6. @amandajean_4

7. @birdmamma

8. @thebklyndog

9. @edmmunster

10. @batman_munchkin_cat

And there’s your cuteness fix for today! Be sure to keep an eye out on social media for more adorable pet snaps for National Dress Up Your Pet day too.