DIY Mother’s Day Gifts Your Mum Will Actually Love

There’s nothing better than a handmade gift. Here are some DIY gifts for Mother’s Day to get you inspired.

Mother’s Day seems to creep up when we least expect it. But don’t worry. We’ve got you, and a list of handmade Mother’s Day gifts that aren’t just flowers.

This year, why not give her something from the heart? If you’re not especially crafty then we have some ideas to cover you there too. Here are some easy handmade gifts for mum they’ll love this Mother’s Day!

DIY Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Framed wall art

Found some art your mum would love? Or have you got an artistic streak and want to create something just for them? Framing a piece of art is a great way to add a little touch of deco to their home.

Frame paintings, photos, illustrations or anything your mum would be inspired by.

Handmade candles

Who doesn’t like candles? Candles are a great way to add some fragrance and warmth to a home, something mums definitely appreciate.

Have a go at making your own with this step-by-step tutorial. Add your own fragrances and customise your candles to what your mum would love.

DIY coaster

If you have access to a DT department at your school, college or university, why not ask if you can sand down some wood to make some cool coasters? Or for an easy DIY gift option, you could even try getting some family photos printed on coasters. Both are fantastic low-budget options for Mother’s Day gifts.

Chilli oil

If your mum is a fan of spice, then this TikTok Szechuan chilli oil recipe is bound to make Mother’s Day a success. The ingredients are listed 3 seconds into the video, just be sure to screenshot it before heading out to buy your ingredients!

Personalised notepad

There’s something about a notepad that makes a great gift. Especially if it’s customised with a name, initials or motivational message. Get your mum a personalised notepad this Mother’s Day, especially if she’s always jotting things down or loves to write.

This personalised notepad from notonthehighstreet is one of our favourites. Get student discounts from notonthehighstreet too!

An affirmations jar

Affirmation jars are packed with lots of tiny little affirmations your mum can open every day or week for a little pick me up. We love this affirmation jar from Etsy, but we highly recommend giving it a go yourself! All you need is a big jar, some paper and a pen to write your affirmations in.

Check out our student Etsy offers.

A heartfelt letter

“What can I do for Mother’s Day with no money? Well, being away from home, especially if you live on campus, can cause everyone to feel a little disconnected. Write a heartfelt letter to your mum about how much you appreciate them. It’s a simple gift and great if you’re on a really strict budget.

Read: Affirmations for when you’re feeling lonely.

Handpainted keepsake box

If your mum has tons of trinkets and family photos, why not get her a keepsake box to store them in! You can hand-paint it or ask one of your artsy pals to do it for you. It’s a great DIY Mother’s Day gift and super personal too.

We love this wooden crafts box from The Works. Go for a simple design if you’re feeling a little unconfident and pick colours you know they’ll love.

A chunky knit blanket

Challenge yourself to knit a chunky blanket as a DIY gift for Mother’s Day! Knitting is quite easy to pick up. Just work on it for a couple of hours a week and before you know it, you’ll have a blanket to gift. The hours you put into it will be super appreciated, we promise.

Get a student Love Crafts discount to save on craft items like knitting needles!

Upcycle vase

There are tons of ways to make an upcycled vase. We love this tutorial which shows how to upcycle a glass vase to give it a rustic look. Pair it with some flowers and you’ve got yourself a DIY Mother’s Day gift with a personal touch.

Lemon preserves

This might not be one you thought of, but if your mum loves to cook, they’ll be incredibly happy with some lemon preserves.

They’re used to add depth to a lot of stew-based dishes but can also be added to dressings and sauces. Watch this fantastic tutorial on how to make it at home.

Are you going to DIY gifts for Mother’s Day? Let us know what you gift!

And while you’re still here, check out our Mother’s Day Q&A session: