Apple Says Swiping iPhone Apps Closed Is Bad For The Battery

Turns out we’ve been wasting precious iPhone battery all this time.

Apple says that swiping iPhone apps closed is bad for your battery life and we are officially shook.

Apparently, even though we’ve all been thinking that when you leave an app running in the background it’s, well… Still running. It’s not. If it’s in the background carousel it’s totally frozen and not using up your battery.

John Gruber, a tech journalist, wrote on his blog Daring Fireball: “Apps in the background are effectively ‘frozen’, severely limiting what they can do in the background and freeing up the RAM they were using. iOS is really, really good at this.

“Not only does force quitting your apps not help, it actually hurts. Your battery life will be worse and it will take much longer to switch apps if you force quit apps in the background.”

Turns out that we have all been swiping closed our unused apps to save battery, when in actual fact reopening them after this instead of leaving them essentially in standby mode is the thing that’s draining our juice.

So basically, you only need to force close your apps if they’ve stopped working. It’s much more efficient for your battery life to keep them on standby instead of closing them and reopening. Because as John Gruber pointed out on his blog: “They really do get frozen, the RAM they were using really does get reclaimed by the system, and they really do unfreeze and come back to life that quickly.”

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