5 Signs You Need A Break from Social Media

If social media has taken over your life, here are some signs that you might need a break.

Social media can be fun, but there are also some negatives to it too. If you’re considering taking a social media break or detox, you’ve probably already weighed up the pros and cons of stepping away from it.

However, if taking a detox is something you’ve never considered there are some signs that you might want to consider taking one.

A social media break can be really beneficial for your mental health and overall outlook on life, so here are some signs that it might be time to put down your phone for a while.

1. You prioritise it over real life

If you spend all of your time scrolling through your phone or checking Instagram while you’re with other people, you’re probably not enjoying their company as much as you could be.

Although checking social media when you’re around other people is often a habit, rather than rudeness if you find that you spend most of your time on your phone rather than actually talking to your friends and family while you’re hanging out, this is a big sign it might be time for a break.

2. You panic if you can’t check it


If you’re on a train and you have no mobile data, or the wifi is super slow and you find yourself getting frustrated purely because you can’t access Instagram or TikTok, it’s clear that you’re very reliant on social media.

While there’s nothing wrong with that, if you find it hard to go 5 minutes without checking in, a break could be super healthy for you.

3. Your screen time is super high

If your screen time reports are coming back weekly and showing that you spend a large amount of your time on various social media apps, it might be a good idea to try and cut that down even if it’s just for a day or two.

4. You’re comparing too much


Instagram can be really harmful to your mental health due to photo editing, as can Twitter or Facebook when you’re faced with people constantly sharing their achievements and successes.

If you find that you’re spending a lot of time comparing yourself and your life to other people, stepping back could be really helpful to your mental health. Social media can be toxic and while not everything you see on there is real, it can really get to you sometimes especially if you’re feeling down already.

5. You check it first thing in the morning and before you go to bed

The biggest sign of a social media addict is someone who checks it as soon as they wake up and straight before they go to bed. While there’s nothing wrong with checking in when you wake up, if it’s the first thing you do before you even get out of bed and process what’s happening, it’s a sign that you’re super dependent on it.

Scrolling through Instagram before bed can actually impact your sleep, so taking a break can help you to spend your mornings and evenings being more productive and focusing on the day ahead instead.

If you’re feeling tired or burnt out, there’s a high chance that social media could be impacting that. If you’re experiencing any of these signs, even if you love social media and aren’t prepared to delete all of your accounts, stepping back for a weekend could be really beneficial to you. Trying a social media detox can be tricky, but trust us, your body will thank you for it when you do.