10 Things To Do With Friends Instead Of Drinking This January

How to stay social alcohol-free with pals this January.

If you’ve made the pledge to go sober this January then good on you. We know how daunting and difficult this can be, especially as alcohol is involved in tons of social situations.

But Dry January is beneficial for so many reasons. It can help with your mood, health, self esteem and even your long term goals. So before you throw in the towel, why not check out the numbers on why you should stick at it, and the activities you can do with friends sober?

Dry January benefits

According to Alcohol Change, the following was noticed when giving up alcohol for the month of January:

  • 70% of people sleep better
  • 86% of people save money
  • 65% of people notice generally improved health

Plus, there are tons of other benefits to Dry January too:

  • Healthier skin
  • Weight loss
  • Better liver health
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Lowered blood pressure

Fun Things To Do With Friends That Don’t Involve Alcohol

Life drawing

Don’t worry if you can’t draw. Life drawing classes are generally suited to all ability types. Even if you can barely draw a stick figure.

And if IRL drawing classes have been put to a halt because of COVID, then why not have a browse online for some virtual classes? Or load up an image and have a competition against time with your friends?

Have a (sober) dinner party

Dinner parties are all about the food anyway, so why not put your culinary skills (or lack of) to the test to impress your friends? Altnerticaly, you can get your pals to bring a dish each and have a full-on banquet of treats.

Get food and drink discounts here.


What better feeling than giving back, eh?

Find a way you can make a difference in your local community (safely). You could help at a food bank, pick litter one evening a week with your friends. You’ll feel tons better that you’ve made some form of a difference, as well as the smiles on peoples’ faces thanks to you!

Go on a spa day

Going sober can bring about a few withdrawal symptoms. Why not get a group of pals together and treat yourselves to a relaxing spa day? It really helps people open up and calm down, meaning deeper conversations that aren’t fueled by alcohol.

Go to fitness classes

Worried about going to the gym on your own or that fitness class that looks interesting? Ask some pals if they want to go with you and give it a try.

We know exercising might be the last thing on your mind, but the endorphins from working out are a godsend during Dry January.

Read: Top Cheap Gym Memberships in the UK.

Have a games night

Games are a fantastic group activity that doesn’t need to involve alcohol. But if you really must involve something for a forfeit, what about least favourite foods? Or keep it simple and order takeout as an incentive.

Coffee shop crawl

Bar crawls are dead and gone, go on a coffee shop crawl instead! Okay maybe don’t chug down tons of caffeine in a single day, but make it a mission to visit at least a couple of cafes in your local area a week.

Who knows, you could find your favourite study spot this way.

Go to the movies

If you feel up for it, make your next group outing at cinemas. You’ll all finally see the movies you’ve wanted to catch for ages, plus it’s a great way to “stay in†during the cold winter months without a beer blanket.

Resist the urge to stash a bottle of alcohol in your bag and get some indulgent snacks instead.

Have a mocktail night

Mocktails are seriously tasty. Plus, if you’re struggling to get your 5-a-day in then you’re hitting two birds with one stone. Organise a group of pals for a mocktail night and get all the different juices and syrups to recreate your favourite drinks sans the alcohol.

Try a new hobby

With all the extra time you have this month, why not pick up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try?

If you’re stuck on ideas, here are some hobbies you can pick up based on your zodiac. They include art, video games, book challenges, gigs (we recommend these sober anyway!), and much more.

Quick tips to make it through Dry January

  • Tell your friends and family you’re doing Dry January

  • Actively avoid things that could trigger you to drink alcohol, such as places, experiences, and even certain groups of people. If you hear any of the below, it’s likely you aren’t being supported in the way you need to be:

  • Seek out your support network if you’re struggling

  • Remember your “whyâ€

  • Have a clear and positive reason for participating in Dry January

  • Have an accountability partner

  • Research non-alcoholic alternatives

We hope these tips and ideas keep you sociable, empowered and on track for completing Dry January. If you’re struggling, these helplines are good to keep on hand: