
Graduating University: 10 Ideas For What To Do After University

Graduating from university is exciting and daunting all at once. Here are some ideas of what to do when you graduate.

You’ve finally done it. You’ve completed your exams, assignments, pulled the all-nighters and now you’re thinking about what lies ahead post-graduation.

If you’re graduating from university, chances are you’re either lined up for a job, have no clue what to do or you’re apprehensive about it. Everything you’re feeling is totally normal. After all, uncertainty brings about lots of anxiety, especially if we have no idea what to do after uni.

Wondering what to do after graduation from university? We’ve got a list of ideas for you that’ll put the anxiety at bay.

1. Go travelling

You’ve earned it! Working hard for 3+ years deserves a good break. Why not go travelling for a little while to blow off some steam and get some relaxation in?

You can earn while you travel by volunteering for various places around the world, teach English abroad, teach people how to ski, or simply choose to enjoy your trip. Whichever option you choose will let you experience different cultures and build your independence post-graduation.

If you’re a keen writer, you may know people get paid to write while they travel to different places. This could be something to try out, especially if you already have a blog of your own!

2. Move home for a bit

If you’re able to, moving back home is a great option to get some well-deserved rest and figure out what you’d like to do post-graduation. We get that moving home may seem unappealing from an indenpendency point of view, but by putting your pride aside, you’ll see there’s quite a few benefits.

You can reconnect with old friends, your school you can even use the time you have back home to save cash. It gives you a little bit of a breather during your job search too. So don’t completely write off this option if you need to recuperate from university life.

3. Do a Master’s

We have a guide on whether you should do your master’s or if you should study a PhD. We get these aren’t light-hearted things to pursue, especially because you have to dedicate more time to education.

If your goals involve attaining a post-graduate degree, or you simply love your area of study that much, then doing a master’s or PhD may be right for you.

4. Get yourself onto a graduate scheme

Graduate schemes are designed for fresh graduates looking to get their foot in the door. It’s a fantastic option due to their career progression opportunities, and their starting salaries are pretty decent. Fields that recruit for graduate schemes include HR, marketing, fashion, IT and much more.

Be sure to check what the requirements are and if you need a specific degree. If you land a graduate scheme role, you’re well on your way to potentially securing a permanent position in the company too, if the opportunity arises.

5. Do an internship

Internships are fantastic opportunities for gaining experience. And don’t worry, they’ve come a long way since being a job purely to grab coffee (though those still exist, so steer clear of them).

Internships usually pay minimum wage and it’s a chance to get your foot in the door. They’re not guaranteed to lead to a full-time position, but they’re certainly a position you can add to your CV for a future role. Be sure to check out the government website’s laws around internships.

6. Start a business

This may seem incredibly daunting for a fresh-faced graduate. But it’s certainly not impossible.

If you’ve got the idea, drive, resources (or know how to get them), then starting your own business isn’t out of the question whatsoever.

Gather as much information as possible and if you don’t know where to being, The Prince’s Trust is a fantastic place to begin. They offer support for young people to get into their own business through courses and workshops.

7. Find a job

And we mean “a†job here too. We obviously recommend looking in your field, but sometimes you simply just need to get into a routine of working and earning. Look for temporary jobs to see if you’d enjoy the work on a permanent basis or go back to an old job for the time being until you find the job you want.

This way you can earn some money on the side and experience what it’s like to live life outside of the comfort of education.

8. Volunteer

Volunteering is a great way to add some experience to your CV and give it that edge among the sea of other graduates. They provide an opportunity to pick up tons of skills without the pressure that comes with a paid job, lots of soft and hard skills that can be transferred to employment, and an opportunity to build your network.

Plus, you’ll be working towards a good cause and giving back to your local community!

9. Work for your university

Your old university may hire you to join their admin or research teams. If you had an incredible time at your university and want to give back, why not reach out to the admin team and see if they have any opportunities available?

You could even speak to your old tutors or lecturers to see if they need an assistant. This is a great option for those on creative courses where technical assistants may be needed to help students with equipment use.

10. Do an apprenticeship

Maybe your degree wasn’t quite right for you and you want to reskill. Instead of forking out for another degree (unless you really want to), an apprenticeship may be a viable option for you.

Apprenticeships are available at various levels and you’ll typically have to start from a level 2 or 3 if you’re changing industry. Pay is low, but it gives you an opportunity to earn some cash on the side and learn on the job. Plus, some apprenticeships even offer a guaranteed job upon completion.

How to survive life after university

1. Open a graduate bank account

Most banks will convert to graduate accounts automatically. But you’ll need to check with your bank as it’s quite an important step to take. If you don’t, you could rack up some unnecessary charges that could land you in debt.

Regular bank accounts won’t always offer you that glorious 0% interest rate on your overdraft. So when your account converts, there’s a chance you may lose this and need to pay back your overdraft overtime. If you don’t have an overdraft or you’ve paid it off and want to make a switch, you’ll be happy to know these bank accounts pay you to switch!

2. Don’t worry about repaying your student loan

We get it, student loans are scary to look at. Maybe you have no idea how student loans work. One thing you need to know is you only pay back your student loan after earning £27,274 a year. This salary can be hard to achieve as a graduate student (depending on your industry), so don’t worry about paying anything off yet.

3. Keep using your student discount!

You can still use our student discounts for a time after you graduate. So make the most of it and save extra cash whenever you purchase anything online using Student Beans!

Plus, you can still get other student perks too, like a 16-25 railcard.

4. Save cash!

You won’t have the luxury of getting a student loan anymore. So you’re gonna have to work out how you’ll save cash.

Just putting aside a few double digits a month goes a long way. And if you find it hard to do this, try using an app like Plum, an automatic savings app that’ll do the hard work for you.

What are your plans after graduation? We hope this has given you some food for thought on what to do after graduation.