Only available on the £5 plan
New customers only
Code valid until 30/09 midnight
If the SIM is cancelled, the offer is removed
Can’t be used with any other offer
Use our Lebara discount code at the checkout to enjoy £5 SIM, 99p per month for the first 3 months.
Customers will automatically use 4G, unless customers have a 5G compatible handset.
5G: Customers are enabled on 5G as and when they buy any bundle or plan. For them to be able to use 5G they need to have a compatible handset and in the 5G coverage area. Customers can use coverage checker on our website to see where Vodafone provide 5G.
- Customers must have a 5G compatible handset.
- Customers must be in a 5G coverage area.
- Existing clients will be automatically upgraded to 5G
5G FAQ - https://mobile.lebara.com/gb/en/5g-lebara
- No credit checks.
- Cancel at any time.