The Best Way To Save Time & Money This School Year On Meal Prep
Fresh foods for the new semester.
Trying to make healthy meal options while away at school isn’t always the easiest thing to do. You’re likely surrounded by tons of quick, highly processed options that are a bit overpriced. Or you’re subjected to an average dining hall with limited options. And the worst part? Most of it doesn’t even taste that great.
If you’re looking to elevate your food choices while on campus (and make planning your meals a breeze without breaking the bank), it’s time you signed up for GreenChef. Their meal kit delivery service makes it easy for you to have fresh, delicious food in no time. Thanks to their discount with Student Beans, you’ll save 65% on your first box. Already hungry? Here’s why using GreenChef will save you time and money during the coming school year.
Pick Foods You’ll Actually Eat
When it comes to meal prep, you want to be motivated to eat the food you buy, right? Don’t go off the deep end buying things you think you should eat, but instead opt for foods that actually sound good. There’s no point in going to all the effort of meal prepping if it’s just going to sit in your fridge until it goes bad.
Thanks to GreenChef, you can see all the ingredients in the meals you pick before you add them to your plan along with the calories and macros. It also gives you an estimated time frame for how long the meal will take to prepare and what you’ll need to have on hand (usually only some kind of cooking oil, salt, and pepper).
Keep It Simple
If you’re like me, you can get a little overly enthusiastic in your cooking. A recipe might look fun at the start, but once you’re 40 minutes into cooking and still have no tangible meal in front of you, it’s easy to lose steam and decide to take three seconds to make yourself a sandwich. Or you save a bunch of recipes that look good and never actually make them (guilty).
Instead of opting for some big, ambitious recipe, start with something a bit more doable. GreenChef has an entire category of recipes that are quick and easy, meaning they’re ready from start to finish in 25 minutes or less. Or if you’re really pressed for time and want a quick lunch in between classes, they also have 10-minute lunches, which is exactly what it sounds like. Easy breezy!
Plan Your Meals in Advance
One of the toughest things about meal prep is actually doing it. It’s easy to put it off, only to find yourself hungry for lunch at 11:59 a.m. and realizing you have no plan for what you’re going to eat. You’ll probably wind up grabbing whatever is in arm’s reach to give yourself calories as quickly as possible. Usually not a good choice when you want to eat cleaner.
With GreenChef, you have to pick your weekly meals in advance. This means you’ll always know what’s on deck since you chose your meals a week ago. Taking the decision-making and guesswork out of food is a game-changer. Each meal also serves at least two people, so if you’re on your own, you get leftovers!
Get Things Fresh
Pantry staples are always a good thing, and sometimes processed foods are a must when you’re running around on campus all day, but when it comes to sitting down and having a meal, fresh foods are always going to taste better. They’re packed with nutrients, especially when they’re in season and sustainably sourced (which is exactly what GreenChef does).
All ingredients are pre-measured and prepped, and each recipe is easy to follow with step-by-step instructions. Having a fresh, home-cooked meal every day of the week has never been easier or more doable.
Opt For Variety
It’s so easy to get bored when doing meal prep—the same few recipes in the rotation, week in and week out. While it might feel easier to choose the same things over and over again purely because your brain doesn’t have to think about making any decisions, it’s also the quickest way to burn out.
To help combat this, GreenChef rotates its meals every single week. You can see the current week’s options plus the next two weeks. With over 40 meals to choose from, you’ll always have something new to look forward to eating. You can even add on breakfast options, drinks, desserts, and more to really expand your options!
Save 65% on your first box from Green Chef when you shop with Student Beans
This is a sponsored post in partnership with GreenChef.