pink alarm clock on pink background with calendar open next to it - UCAS application deadline 2025
pink alarm clock on pink background with calendar open next to it - UCAS application deadline 2025

UCAS application deadline 2025

We’ve got the UCAS key dates and deadlines for 2025.

Did we hear correctly? You’re applying for university? Check you out; that’s amazing news!

Take a second for a breather and pat yourself on the back for slogging through Sixth Form or college. It’s a huge accomplishment. 

With A-Level results day still a way away (erm, August), you can chill for a bit. But, it’s important to keep note of important things such as UCAS application deadlines and any other UCAS key dates.

You don’t want to cause yourself any unnecessary stress, especially if you’re dealing with exam stress over the next few months. Make a note of the UCAS application deadline for 2025, if you haven’t done so already, and read on for more UCAS key dates and answers to questions like how much is a UCAS application? 

You might also want to know about applying for student finance — it’s never too early to get clued up.  

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UCAS application deadlines 2025 

If you’re hoping to start university this coming autumn in 2025, these are the UCAS key dates and application deadlines you need to keep a note of. 

You might wonder when do you move into university halls or how to find student housing— that comes after these important bits.

29th January 2025 — UCAS application deadline 2025

The deadline for your UCAS application is the 29th January 2025. You can still apply after the 29th, but universities don’t guarantee any consideration for applications received after the deadline. 

Popular courses may also not consider any applicants after the deadline, especially if they’ve received a lot of interest already. However, it’s worth checking with the universities what their policies are for late applicants.

But, please try and submit your UCAS application as early as possible.

26th February 2025 — UCAS Extra opens

UCAS Extra is for students who might not have received an offer from any of their chosen universities. This enables students to add an extra choice if all 5 of their choices weren’t accepted or if they had declined any offers received. 

30th June 2025 18:00pm — Applications sent to universities

Applications submitted by this deadline will be sent to universities. If submitted after 18:00pm, applications will automatically be entered into clearing.

4th July 2025 — Last day to add Extra choice

UCAS Extra will close, so make sure you’ve added your Extra choice if applicable. 

5th July 2025 — Clearing 2025 opens

Clearing opens from the 5th July, displaying any vacancies available. Students can have a look at what universities and courses are still available before they get their results and offers. 

Read through our guide to Clearing so you know what to expect. 

14th August 2025 — A Level results day

The day you’ve been waiting for. From 8am A Level results are available and many universities will have confirmed or denied places prior. 

20th October 2025 — Clearing closes

20th October is the last day to add a Clearing choice. 

If you’re coming to the end of your degree and are interested in doing a Master’s, we’ve got all the ways to do a free Master’s degree in the UK. 

How much is a UCAS application 2025?

The UCAS application fee for 2025 is £28.50 and you can choose up to five choices. 

You will either pay the UCAS application fee directly to UCAS (most common) or your school will collect it. 

In 2025, UCAS will remove the application fee for students who are entitled to free school meals.

How to find UCAS ID?

Your UCAS ID is also known as your Personal ID. It’s a 10-digit number that you’ll only get when you start an application. It will be displayed in the following format: “123-456-7890’

If you’re wondering where to find your UCAS ID, you can find it in one of the following places:

  • Emails sent from UCAS
  • Your UCAS application page (typically right-hand corner of the screen)
  • Your UCAS user account settings

If you can’t find anything in your emails, search for ‘UCAS ID’ in the search bar of your emails and it should bring up the location.

If you haven’t yet begun a UCAS application, you won’t have a UCAS ID number yet. 

Where to find UCAS status code?

Your UCAS status code is a 16-digit number that acts as your unique identifier. You can use it to access your application and see any status updates. 

You’ll find your UCAS status code when you log into your UCAS hub with your username and password. Go to your application and you should be able to find your UCAS status code. 

If you’re at university and not happy with your course or even the uni itself, you might consider transferring or changing courses. We’ve got how to transfer universities in case you need some advice. 

How many UCAS points is an A Level?

For each grade you get at A Level, you’ll get UCAS points relative to your grade. Universities will use these points to calculate your overall points against their entry requirements. 

You might see some universities asking, for example, for 3 B grades or the equivalent to 120 points — meaning you might be able to get in with an A*  and 2 C grades instead. Or any variety of grades that equates to the same total number of points. Although, some universities will specify that they want a particular grade from a particular subject such as: 120 points with at least an A in Biology. 

Below are tables showing the A-Levels and points conversions. 

A Level gradeUCAS points

Below is a table showing the UCAS points conversion of Scottish Highers.

Scottish Advanced HigherUCAS points

Below is a table displaying the UCAS points conversion for the Welsh Baccalaureate.

Advanced Welsh BaccalaureateUCAS points

Below is a table displaying UCAS points conversions for BTEC Level 3 National Diploma.

BTEC Level 3 National DiplomaUCAS points

Heading off to university? Check out the average monthly allowance for university students in the UK and their average student living costs to prepare yourself. 

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